
Assalam Alekum. Hello

Since last few weekends, I have been sitting at home,

But that’s so unlike me.

So, this Sunday, as the weather was really good,

So I decided to go out and explore The Germany Village.

There is a wonderful village nearby, which I like.

There is a castle as well.

So, today we are going to visit it and explore the area.

It’s almost 130 kilometers away from here.

So not very close, but also not very far. So not very close, but also not very far.

First things first. I better get my tank filled.

The total distance will be around 300 kilometers.

Restaurants here are gradually resuming service.

It’s quite warm now.

My jacket has an inner layer of windproof material.

I didn’t remove it

as I was anticipating the wind on the Autobahn to be colder.

Let’s see.

If it’s going to stay this warm,

then I'll stop somewhere and remove the inner layer.

Otherwise, I might get boiled in this warmth.

The landscape is getting amazing by the mile.

I am heading towards these small mountains now.

I am almost midway through; almost 50 km left.

The journey so far was quite comfortable.

The weather is good.

There was not much traffic either.

Let me tell you something interesting

about these many trucks parked here.

In Germany, there is a law

that trucks, if they are not carrying supermarket goods,

are not allowed on the  Autobahn on Saturdays and Sundays.

So the drivers park their trucks for 10 nights on Friday

and they can resume on Sunday night.

So that is how their weekend is spent.

I am off the Autobahn now.

The last 12 kilometers are left.

Hopefully, it's going to be fun.

Autobahn is good for speed

but it’s not good if you are a scenery lover.

In Germany, if the weather is good and it’s a weekend,

then you will find people everywhere.

The real charm of riding a motorcycle is

that there are small roads

with amazing scenery and not much traffic.

No need to ride too fast.

You just need to enjoy the beauty of the landscape.

And. I can’t find the way.

Let’s ask someone.

Excuse me.

Where is Rheinschleife?

Where is the exit point?

Thank You.

I came from there,  but I couldn’t see that.

Ah I think, that’s the one.

Yes, it is.

That’s a very small road.

And there is some traffic.

But the traffic is not too fast, so it’s alright.

I can now feel my throat getting dry.

But because of the fast, I cannot drink anything.

Even speaking is getting difficult.

Let’s park it over here.

This is known as Rheinschleife in German.

In English, it’s either a horse-shoe or a U.

I am not sure.

It’s such an amazing place.

It’s the same river Rhine

that I showed in my previous vlog about Rhine valley.

And you can see the castle far into the scene.

Last time, I didn’t visit this spot.

So I am here now.

Then I'll move forward.

Getting here was okay except for the last 15 km or so,

as the road was narrow

and there was some elevation as well.

It is very bright here,

therefore, I am afraid

that the video quality of the drone might not be very good.

My favorite time to shoot a video is around the evening

when the light is softer.

Right now, at some points, the light is really strong

and at other points, there is shade because of trees.

So the camera gets, sort of, confused.

Hence the contrast is not very crisply recorded.

The videos captured, early in the morning

or around sunset and with some clouds, are good.

I hope, the quality will be alright.

All my attention is on the road now.

I need to recheck my coordinates here,

before I get lost.

The first part is the same narrow one.

This patch is almost 10 km long.

But it’s a little better than the previous one.

And I can at least maintain a speed of 50 km/h.

Once you get out of the tree shade, the light is blinding.

The sun is low and lights get directly to the eyes.

It’s really hot now.

I have left the Rhine valley behind.

And this down here is the Moselle Valley

because the Moselle River passes through this valley.

Moselle Valley
Moselle Valley
It originates from France, passes through Luxembourg,

then enters Germany and joins River Rhine.

The next part of my journey is along this river.

I took a short break here

Time to resume the ride now

So this here is the Moselle River.

You can see that on both of its sides,

there are thick forests and vine fields.

This region is famous for its wine,

especially white wine.

And then the villages here are wonderful

and the castles in this region are visually stunning.

So it’s a famous tourist area.

I guess it must be the top 5 or at least the top 7 destinations.

Finally, there is a patch with no sunlight.

It’s been crazy sunny today.

This bridge looks amazing by the way.

There are many small interconnecting bridges here.

Now, where should I go?

I feel like continuing along this side.

Both sides are okay and I can choose anyone I like.

It’s going towards Cochem from this side.

. ok. Let’s go from the other side.

Now we are crossing the river.

These rivers are full of water.

This area has a speed limit of 50.

And I am pretty sure

there will be speed cameras around here.

I am off to the village now.

I'll visit the bridge later.

I am waiting for the sun to go down a bit.

Then I'll go to the other side and there I'll fly the drone.

So this is the village.

Let’s have a look around.

I have almost crossed the whole village now.

Time to turn around.

I am thinking about parking the bike over here somewhere.

So, I'll leave it right here.

And I'll go see the places on foot.

So, dudes, this is Cochem.

And the castle that you can see behind me

is known as Richburg,

Castle of Cochem.

I don’t want to take you to its history and background,

otherwise, it’s gonna get too lengthy.

Cochem Castle
Cochem Castle
Most of the castles in this area are privately owned by families.

But this castle is owned by the people of this village.

The castle is closed these days.

Although it’s expected to open soon.

I'll take you inside with me, the next time I come here.

If you like it, do share your thoughts in the comments.

Time for Iftaar (breaking my fast) fellows.

And then I will leave for home.

I am gonna take the highway for this purpose.

So it may take me around an hour and a half.

As it’s a night drive, so I'll switch off the cameras and be at peace.

Let’s finish the Blog at this point.